The 3 Best Golf Clubs for Petite Ladies

best golf clubs for petite ladies

While golf might not seem as physically demanding as aggressive contact sports like football and basketball, doesn’t mean it doesn’t require the same level of strength. Launching a ball hundreds of yards through challenging terrain and unpredictable weather conditions can be very taxing on the body, and might require quite a significant amount of power.

With that, it’s easy to see that players who might not be as strong might be at a disadvantage. For instance, petite women might find it difficult to lug and swing a long, heavy club, and may not have the strength to launch a ball too far. Fortunately though, the market for golf clubs is now extensively varied, so there are sure to be a few clubs out there that can help you maximize your potential despite the lack of size and power.

If you’re a pretty little lady hoping to show the guys who’s boss on the fairway, then keep on reading as we dish out the specifics of choosing the best golf clubs for petite ladies.

Different Types of Clubs

What makes golf challenging is the fact that the same course can never be played the same way twice. Changing weather conditions and minute differences in the calibration of your swing can greatly affect the behavior of the ball. So even if you try to play the same course, there’s no guarantee that you’ll win it the same way you did last time.

Another factor that makes each game different is the fact that there are more than just one type of golf club. With a variety to choose form, it’s highly likely that you might produce a different shot with each swing.


These clubs are the heaviest, and are designed to cover long distances with their powerful build. In the woods category, you’ll find drivers and fairway woods. These clubs have long shafts and large heads, and are made to bring your ball hundreds of yards away.


Smaller than woods, the irons are clubs used for mid-range distances. They deliver powerful shots as well, but operate within a closer distance and provide substantially more control. There are two types of irons called blades and cavity backs. They differ greatly in silhouette, but offer their own sets of benefits that cater to different types of users.


Called rescue clubs, the hybrids are a type of golf club that combines the qualities of woods and irons. They have an altered center of gravity, thus making them easier to control at the risk of a shorter distance.


These clubs have a range of loft measurements that help them drive the ball upward rather than forward. Wedges are used for obstacles, and are specially designed to work well on rough terrain as well as sand.


In recent years, chippers have somehow been ‘phased out’ as unnecessary clubs, but they’ve made something of a comeback. These clubs are designed to cover the distance between putters and wedges, and bring you nearer to the pin with better control, precision, and forward propulsion compared to wedges. They also make suitable training clubs for beginners, thanks to their user friendly design.


Used for the ‘last stretch’, putters are precision clubs that produce very little lift. They’re used when you’re close enough to the pin to bring your ball home in just one shot.

Tips for Using Clubs for Petite Ladies

Optimize Your Grip 

Your grip on your club is the only real connection you’ll have with it throughout the entire swing. So you can assume that if you’re not holding your club correctly, you won’t transfer energy through it correctly. A common mistake that petite players make is they clench the club’s end in their palm thinking it will improve the strength of their swing. But the right way to hold a club is actually by letting the grip rest in your fingers and then wrapping them around so that the club presses against the heel pad just above the base of the fingers.

Bend at the Hip 

Taller players have the luxury of bending at the knee because it lowers their center of gravity and helps bring them closer to the ground. But for petite players, it might be better to adapt a posture that bends at the hip. In doing this, you square off the shoulders and open the chest for a fuller swing. It also helps improve balance so you don’t lose your footing as the weight of the club circles around you.

Keep It Natural

Petite players tend to think that the way to match up to larger, more powerful players is by exerting all their force throughout the entire swing. While that might seem like a reasonable strategy, it’s important to mention that a powerful swing doesn’t always result to a powerful hit. The best way to maximize your strength would be to keep your swing speed natural, instead of exerting all your effort at the start which may result to a jerky, unpredictable ball trajectory. Swing with speed, but don’t give it your all, and then accelerate just as you approach the ball and strike.

What to Look for in a Ladies’ Club

Lightweight - A lighter club is easier to carry and use, and won’t teeter you off of your center of gravity as it travels around your body during the course of a swing. Graphite is typically lighter than steel, but there are hybrid clubs that use a combination of these materials to get the best of durability and maintain a lightweight build.

Short - Having a club that’s much too long for your height will force you to straighten up or move the club head away from your feet, thus dampening speed and force. Make sure you get a club that aligns with your shoulders when held just the right distance away from your feet. Those with adjustable shaft lengths can also be beneficial, especially if you’re a first time player who doesn’t necessarily know the right length just yet.

Sets - It’s hard to complete a set of specialty clubs like petite women’s clubs if you’re trying to piece it together one by one. Try checking out complete golf club sets instead to achieve consistency among the designs and to make it easier to get a hang of each one.

The 3 Best Golf Clubs for Petite Ladies

Aspire XD1 Complete Golf Set for Ladies 

aspire golf clubs for women

The Aspire XD1 Complete Golf Set for Ladies is our top choice for this list thanks to its intuitive design that works wonderfully well for small women players. The lightweight combination of materials helps make it easy to swing and accelerate through to a powerful strike. The set also includes a smart combination of clubs so you’ll have something for every situation. With a driver, woods, irons, and a putter, you’d be sure to have just the right stuff to make your way through intermediate difficult courses.

In terms of quality, these clubs are definitely up there with a bunch of the leaders in the industry. Each one is designed with just the right length, an easy grip, and impressive forgiveness to keep you confident on the course. Price wise, they’re really not that expensive either. Considering the fact that you’re getting a full club set with a bag and covers, the entire package can be a really sweet deal for most petite players.

Premium Ladies Lightweight Golf Club Set 

golf club set for 5ft woman

If you’re willing to spend a little extra, we recommend the Premium Ladies Lightweight Golf Club Set from Top Performance. This set includes a driver, a wood, a hybrid, several irons, a putter, and a stand bag to give you a complete set all in one purchase. Each club is made from premium graphite and steel, making them both durable and lightweight, perfect for aggressive petite players.

The petite set best suits women ranging from 5 feet to 5 feet 5 inches, and promises a comfortable yet impressive performance on the course. The heads are impeccably shaped, allowing great forgiveness and reasonable outcomes even for beginners and high handicappers. Finally, it’s also worth mentioning that well, the set looks pretty sweet. So if you’re a lady looking for some good looking clubs you can flaunt, this set might just be the right one for you.

Precise Ladies Complete Golf Club Set 

precise golf clubs for ladies

The last set of ladies’ clubs on our list comes in the form of the Precise Ladies Complete Golf Club Set. This budget friendly set includes a driver, woods, hybrids, irons, a putter, and a stand bag. It’s designed to be exceptionally lightweight - even much lighter than the previous clubs we’ve mentioned! So they’re great for petite women who are only just starting out on their golfing hobby.

What we also like about this set is that it caters to petite women below 5 feet and 3 inches, allowing more women to play the game despite a possible height disadvantage. On top of that, the set is also fairly easy to get a hang of, and incorporates a very forgiving design that can make you feel even more confident on the course.

Final Thoughts

Just because you’re a little shorter than the others, doesn’t mean you can’t play a mean game of golf. But just to make sure you don’t end up struggling with a full-sized set, why not invest in the best golf clubs for petite ladies instead?

Designed to bump up your game, these clubs are specially made to give smaller women a chance to play at par with larger, taller players who might have more power to their swing. Our best bet for the ideal petite ladies’ clubs? It was a tough choice, but all things considered, we think the Aspire XD1 Complete Golf Set for Ladies can be an impressive set that might suit any and every petite players’ needs.